MEA CULPA Y LO SIENTO (my fault, and I'm sorry for lack of posts!)

It has been an inexcusable amount of time since our last post. While we've been regularly updating Instagram and Facebook as to our adventures, I've completely neglected the blog. So, now that we have access to some solid internet for a little while, it's time for some catch-up.

First of all, huge thank you to Dan Ferguson at the Langley Advance Times for his recent article about our adventures:

Secondly, both Stu and I have been writing from time to time, so I will be formatting and editing those to post in the coming week.

Thirdly, I can hardly believe it, but we are back in Puerto Peñasco, which is the place we boarded and splashed the boat from. We've travelled about 1500 nautical miles in the last 7 months, and honestly had both adamantly said we wouldn't come back here, but here we are, and I'll explain why in a coming post.

Thanks to all who have read and commented on our posts thus far, we are so fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family who support us throughout!

It’s never a bad day when ice cream is involved!

It’s never a bad day when ice cream is involved!


Erin is Canadian, from Langley, BC; and is also an adventurer and a traveller. Erin is fiercely loyal and virtuous and has very high expectations of how she can and should contribute to the world.


Doing some adulting. Less fun, but necessary.


Wondrous Whale Sharks